Vita e missione del
Mons. Francesco Cagliero IMC

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6. Documenti sulla Congregazione delle Suore Teresine
Storia della Congregazione

History of the Congregation

The Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus was founded in 1935 by Mgr. Francesco Cagliero, a member of the Consolata Missionary institute and Apostolic Prefect of Iringa. As Administrator Mgr. Cagliero was very interested in pastoral work, as well as in vocations from indigenous people who might evangelize their own nation.

He started recruiting girls. Those who responded positively were put in two places, Madibira and Tosamaganga, under the direction and formation of the Consolata Missionery sisters. From these groups Mgr. Francesco Cagliero was able to choose girls who had a vocation to the religious life. On 25 October 1931, the Feast of Christ the King, Mgr Francesco Cagliero received the first six postulants at Tosamaganga. Their number was later raised to twelve. On 8th December 1934 the postulants were received in the Novitiate.

At the same time, Mgr. Francesco Cagliero was making contact with the Holy See. In 1932 he asked the Sacred Congregation for the propagation of the faith for permission to establish a religious congregation of indigenous sisters. In 1935 a decree was issued by the Sacred Congregation allowing him to start a religious congregation which came to be known as the congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus (CST). A year later the first fruits became visible. It was on 8 December 1936 that twelve novices professed their first temporary religious vows. From that time onwards, the Congregation has been growing.


Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide. Per litteras die IX Aprilis 1935 (Prot. No. 1225 35) Decessori Nostro Francisco Cagliero datas, patefacere dignabatur nihil obstare quominus Constitutiones novae Congregationis lndigenae Sororum a s. Teresia ab Jesu infante, hac in Praefectura incoeptae quas ipse eximanandas obtulerat, Sorores sequerentur.


The Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, in a letter of 9 April 1935 (Prot. No. 1225 35), to our predecessor Francisco Cagliero, graciously announced that no obstacle stood in the way to prevent the Sisters from following the Constitutions which Fr. Cagliero had put forward for examination of the new Congregation of indigenous Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, begun in this Prefecture.

Summopere ergo confisi praedictam Congregationem ad Omnipotentis Dei gloriam animarumque salutem vere esse profuturarn. INSTITUTUM SORORUM MISSIONALIUM A. S. TERESIA AB JESU INFANTE in congregationem religiosam diocesanam votorum simplicium hoc decreto voluntatis nostrae erigimus, Religiosis vero, a nomine earum Patronae Principalis, WATERESINA nomen sumendum decernimus.

Accordingly, with complete confidence that the aforesaid Congregation will be for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, we establish by this decree of our wiII THE INSTITUTE OF THE MISSIONARY SISTERS OF ST. THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS as a diocesan religious congregation of simple vows, and we decree that the name of the Religious are to take, from the name of their Principal Patron, is to be WATERESINA.

Jugiter meminerint Religiosae, omnesque ad quos pertinet vel pertinebit, finem earum Congregadonis imprimis esse Dei gloriam procurandam, tum per propriam individuam sanctificationam solerti cura adipiscendarn sive religiosorum votorum, sive earum Constitutionum observantia, ita ut vivum ac loquens christianae perfectionis exemplum Christianis paganisque evadant tum Missionanis Praefecturae Ap. de Iringa in animarum salutem procurando auxilium praebendo, juxta proprias constitutiones ac Ordinarii normas et directiones.

The Religious, and all others whom it may or shall concern, are constantly to remember that the purpose of their Congregation is especially to strive for the glory of God. They are to do this, both by acquiring with accustomed care their own individual sanctification, through observance of religious vows and of their Constitutions in such a way that they may present a living and eloquent example of Christian perfection to Christians and pagans; and by giving help, in accordance with their own Constitutions and the rules and directives of the Ordinary, to the missionaries of the Apostolic Prefecture of iringa in working for the saivaon of souls.

Humillime enixeque Omnipotentem Deum obsecrantes ut novae Congregationis Sorores, Virginis Deiparae, totius consolationis fontis, materna intercessione adiutae, Sanctae Teresiae ab Jesu Infante humilitatem, animarum zelum ac virtutes omnes magis magisque in dies sectari pergant, ipsis, fausta quaeque ominantes, peramanter benedicimus.

Humbly and earnestly imploring Almighty God that the Sisters of the new Congregation, helped by the maternal intercession of the Virgin Mother of God, the source of all consolation, may continue, increasingly day by day, to follow the humility, zeal for souls, and all virtues of St. Therese of the infant Jesus, we devoutly bless them, as they show promise of success.

Die XXIa Novembris, anno 1938
P.A. Beltramino M.d.C.
Praefectus apost. de IRINGA

21 November 1938
Fr. A. Beltramino MdC
Prefect Apostolic of Iringa

Estratto da:
Missionary Sisters of St. Therese of the Child Jesus
Constitution and Directory - Iringa 2000

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